The Wondersmith

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Wild Amaranth Porridge: Little Pleasures

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“I feel like oatmeal”

A weird statement, sure, but to my content half-asleep mind in the twilight of early morning, it made perfect sense. I felt deliciously cozy-warm with my face refreshingly cool on our late-season camping trip. My family made fun of me (understandable), but this is still the phrase that pops into my head when my body is experiencing differing temperatures in a delicious and cozy way. 

It all goes back to my favorite way to eat porridge or oatmeal. Cooked on the woodstove, which brings out a slightly chewy texture. Ladled into a bowl, then topped with a little pile of brown sugar and some cold milk. I never mix my bowl. Instead, I delight in perfect spoonfulls of warm porridge with cold milk and a bit of sugar. Just by varying the temperature, a typically bland breakfast turns into a deliciously dynamic sensory experience. Don’t you love it when little tweaks change your experience so dramatically? 

Pleasure can be found in so many little things. Stovetop porridge. Dinner by candlelight. A warm bath after a frosty morning walk, admiring the way the ground sparkles like you’ve been transported to some kind of wonderland. So many people think life is about reaching towards the extraordinary -- the tropical destination, the mountain peak, the giant festival -- and while those can be incredible and memorable life experiences, there is an even deeper magic in infusing that sense of wonder into our everyday lives. It’s there, I promise. You can find it. 

A phrase I have been hearing a lot lately is “romanticize your life.” I love it. You are the author of your own story, and your life experiences are shaped by your narrative. How different would things feel if you made a point to write about the wonderful every day? Or if you were to view yourself from a slight distance, to look at yourself and your life as stitches of magic? What if a bowl of morning porridge was a magical potion to give you both the pleasure of consuming it and the energy to set out on your quest? Even something so simple can become something special with just a bit of perspective. Grab your favorite spoon and get brewing. Today is going to be a magical one, I can just feel it. 

Wild Amaranth Porridge

I’ve been in love with amaranth lately, as the local community garden has become overrun with tall spires of magenta. It is a stunning plant, but an eager one too; it re-seeds itself quite easily and can turn from a lovely accent to a forest of rich burgundy and fuchsia in just a year or two. (Not that I’m complaining!) Amaranth is an ancient crop that was grown by the Mayan and Incan civilizations. There are many different varieties of amaranth, but the kind I urban forage produces beautiful tiny black seeds that are high in protein and minerals. I like to soak them overnight to start breaking down the tough shell, then toss them into a pot with oats for a nutty, chewy, wholesome combination. 

Speaking of oats, did you know that whole oats are one of the only sources of a unique antioxidant called avenanthramide? A study by Harvard University in 2019 found that it significantly reduces your risk of heart disease. They’re also high in fiber and very filling. Combine these nourishing grains with a blueberry, maple, and cardamom compote and some fresh cream or yogurt and you’re on your way to some breakfast magic. This recipe makes enough for a family breakfast, but the leftovers can also be refrigerated and reheated to enjoy throughout the week. 


1 c. wildcrafted amaranth seeds, separated from the flowerheads

1 c. boiling water

2 c. old fashioned oats 

5 c. water

1-2 tsp. Salt 

2 tsp. Vanilla

Milk or cream, to serve


  1. Put the amaranth seeds in a heat-proof bowl and pour the boiling water over the top. Amaranth seeds are hydrophilic, which means repellent of water, so they’ll clump and stick in a rather odd way. Just give them a stir to saturate them as well as you can, then cover and place in the fridge overnight. 

  2. In the morning, add the water and salt to a large pot and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Strain and rinse the soaked amaranth seeds and add them to the pot and cook for 25-30 minutes, covered, stirring often. 

  3. Slowly add the oats and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly, or until the oats are soft. Stir in the vanilla. Serve with milk or cream and the blueberry maple compote below. I also like to add something a bit crunchy, like toasted nuts, coconut, or granola. 

Blueberry Maple Cardamom Compote: 

This delicious topping can bubble away while the amaranth grains cook and be ready just in time to serve hot on top of the porridge, with some cold milk for contrast! 


4 c. fresh or frozen blueberries (If frozen, thaw and strain first.) 

½ c. maple syrup

4 green cardamom pods

2 tsp. Lemon zest

1 tsp. Cornstarch 


  1. Add all of the ingredients except the cornstarch to a medium saucepan. Heat over medium heat, allowing the blueberries to release their juices as they start to bubble. 

  2. Mis the cornstarch with about 1 Tbs. water, then add it to the pot. 

  3. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook, stirring often, until the mixture has thickened, about 15-20 minutes. 

  4. Remove from heat and pull out the cardamom pods. Cover the pot to keep the compote warm, then serve with the porridge.

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