The Wondersmith

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Craft Club: Pine Needle Basketry!

Hooray, it’s Wondercrew Wednesday! I love being able to share something special with my beloved Wondercrew, the kind folks who support me so I can share so many wonderful things with others. This week’s surprise is a Craft Club project that I’ve had a lot of fun designing, I hope you like it too!

Weaving Threads: Pine Needle Basketry 

I am a thread hunter, always looking for the invisible lines that tie things together. Animals that represent the same symbolism in diverse cultures all over the world. The many kinds of flatbread that tie us together as humans. The similarities in working with hot glass and melted sugar. Like the fine threads of mycelium holding the forest together, these threads of connection run deep amongst us and allow conversations between disparate subject matters to take place. Sometimes I feel I can almost see those little threads of connection, tying everything together and shimmering just beyond our physical sight as a gossamer netting surrounding the planet. 

That’s part of why weaving baskets from the natural materials that are in my environment allows me to feel so connected to cultures and people all over the world. Since I live in an area proliferated with pine forests, thoughtfully stitching pine needle baskets feels (and smells!) like a wonderful way to feel those threads - literally and metaphorically. 

The history of pine needle baskets goes back eons. Many local Native American tribes continue their legacy of creating beautiful baskets out of the pine needles that adorn the ground in their rusty blankets this time of year. Traditionally, these baskets were tied together with animal sinew or strong plant fibers (like those from nettle.) Today, you can make your very own beautiful basket out of nothing more than wildcrafted pine needles, strong waxed linen thread, a large dull needle for sewing, and an optional base or decorations!

Find the rest of this post and the Craft Club Project over on!

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