Rewarding curiosity and gifting magic all over the Pacific Northwest


This blog is an exploration of daily magic, featuring wild plants, creative recipes, meaningful ceremonies, and writings about our shared humanity. 

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Welcome to the Wondersmith's Writings! Here you can find magical recipes featuring foraged ingredients, musings on food and ceremony, and meaningful rituals to explore your own everyday magic. Though I have been focused on other writing pursuits, I am keeping all of my blog content up as a resource for you. You can use the search bar below to find what you are looking for. (Please note that sometimes you need to refresh the page to see the search results.) Happy reading! If you'd like to support my goal to spread magic far and wide, consider contributing to my patreon program!

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Craft Club: Romanticizing your life with Queen Anne's Lace Face Cream

New to foraging? Learn more about ethical and safe foraging (plus how to get started) here!

The more practical and productivity-focused people among us might roll their eyes at this, but I want to share one of the tricks I have found to make life so much richer: romanticize your experience. Picture yourself as the main character of your story, and view every action as part of that story. Every relationship, every job, every detail. If you can find focused pleasure in tasks like washing the dishes, a chore can become an opportunity for play or for daydreaming or for dancing. (“Dishy Dancing” is a favorite ritual of mine - and the scrub brush makes a pretty fantastic microphone to dramatically sing into.) Allow pleasure to come along for the ride when you are driven by purpose or responsibility. See struggles as part of your story, and trust that something better will be waiting for you on the other side. You are collaborating with much larger forces to write this story; sometimes you decide what is on the next page, and sometimes that page just turns on its own to reveal a plot twist or the beginning of an unexpected adventure. You are still the star of your story. 

Of course, romanticising the ups and downs of life is much easier said than done. I absolutely struggle with frustration, depression, and burn out. But those feelings are part of my story too; it’s just that in most fairytale structures those trials and tribulations are compressed into a montage (because who wants to watch an entire movie of someone learning to swordfight, right?) A story without struggle would be boring, anyways. Where would the contrast be for those moments of pure elation and joy? This practical sort of magic exists beyond reinterpreting the intense highs or lows of life, though. In fact, it can often be most powerful when adapted to the bits in the middle, the daily rhythm of life. Are you cooking a soup or a potion? Are you scrubbing away grime or allowing frustration to melt down the drain along with it? Are you jogging for the sake of losing a few pounds, or are you exploring the beauty of the world you’re moving through? Is that long trip across town an errand or a quest? I could go on… 

The point is, changing your narrative will also change your experience. Perhaps it’s good to stick our heads into the clouds every now and then. No matter your age, occupation, or background, you can still be the character you want to be, even with your feet still firmly planted on the ground. When I am sculpting ceramics, I can be a spirit of the earth with the powerful magic to transform mud into priceless objects. When I’m cooking in the kitchen I can be a witch conjuring a healing brew. And when I’m foraging in the woods, I can be an elf maiden conversing with the trees. Suddenly dewdrops sparkle like diamonds, moss becomes luscious velvet, and the perfume of wildflowers is an exotic breeze from an unseen world. Bliss. 

To all outside observers, I still appear completely practical, with my clay-covered apron or my simple t-shirt or my sensible cargo pants, preparing dinner or doing laundry or gathering food. Even so, the magic is alive and well within. Sometimes it’s fun to let that magic leak out, too - just ask any cosplayer, musician, artist, or other creative and expressive person! A twirly dress in a field of wildflowers is nothing short of absolute magic. And if you are looking for recommendations for romantic twirling locations, might I recommend a hillside covered in Daucus carota!

Wild Carrot Face Cream: 

Queen Anne’s Lace flowers bedeck pastoral hillsides in early summer. The flowers are lovely, with their lacy white blossoms and singular purple bloom right in the middle, releasing a subtle honey-carrot scent. This cheerful summer face cream is based around carrot seed magic: high in antioxidants like beta carotene and Vitamin A and E, they also provide some natural protection against UV radiation, but are by no means a substitute for a good sunscreen. Aloe vera helps to soothe and repair summer skin so that you can continue to twirl amongst the flowers. Make sure that you use pure aloe vera juice - even better, harvest it from your own plant! 

I think you will love the resulting fragrant and soft face cream, a lovely light orange cream color reminiscent of its inspiration. When you apply it, breathe in the memories of beautiful lacy wildflowers and summertime sunlight. 

Find the rest of this post and the Secret Recipe over on!

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